Filters for Filipinos

With over half of its water sources contaminated, millions of people in the Philippines are forced to drink unclean and unsafe water that will inevitably make them sick. Poor water can cause diseases such as gastro-enteritis, diarrhea, typhoid, cholera, dysentery, hepatitis, and in many cases, even death.

BioSand water filters are an amazing solution to this problem. They are capable of removing most of the harmful contaminants that cause disease, and they improve the look, smell, and taste of the water. They are inexpensive to produce, easy to maintain, and are made using materials found in the region.

The BioSand water filters are produced by a faith-based community development center in the Philippines. They reach out to their local community with the love of God by providing clean water to nearby villages, training local farmers, providing job opportunities, and much more. Any donation or support they receive will certainly be a blessing to many others as well.